• Endutex & Sustainability
  • Logistics
  • Productive Activity
  • Recycling
  • Ecologic Products
  • Inovation
  • Energy
  • Responsability
  • Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • ESG Report

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There’s no Planet B

At Endutex our goal is to use, responsibly, all resources in the industrial process and reduce the environmental impact of our activities.

Endutex is on the right path towards creating a better world for us all

Reputable Suppliers

Our raw material originate from renowned suppliers, complying with all applicable European legislations, namely REACH regulation. With a lot of European based suppliers, transportation costs are minimized and unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions are prevented.

Raw material stocks are kept at minimal quantities, stored and used in order to prevent soil, water and air contamination. Endutex uses predominantly recyclable materials in its packaging.

All environmental impacting activities are identified and controlled

Endutex is under the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) directive, i.e., which indicated that all environmentally impacting activities are identified, controlled, and permanently monitored to comply with the applicable legislation. The energy used is permanently monitored and consumption rationalization plans are implemented to use the fewest energy possible.

Water is essentially used in a closed circuit industrial-cooling system, to minimize its use. Liquid effluent (mainly domestic-type) is forwarded to a public wastewater treatment plant. Endutex filters its gaseous effluents to recover materials and reintroduce them in the productive process. When material recovery is not possible, effluents are treated in a heat recovery facility. Our products are, more and more water-based, making them environmentally friendly.

We minimize waste production

One of our goals is to minimize waste production at the various stages of our industrial process. But as we can’t avoid, our activity generates some residues which help us to complete our goal: to recycle as much as possible, all of our internal wastes – reusing them in the productive process.

When internal usage is not possible, Endutex established partnerships with waste recycling companies that will sell them to other companies where they are used as raw materials or for energy production. When none of these options is economically viable, they will go through an elimination process, namely in a landfill monitored by local authorities.

We prevent risks to the environment and human health

Endutex eradicated and implemented restrictions for some materials (like heavy metals) in the manufacturing of our products, in favor of preventing risks to the environment and human health. Endutex has developed a range of “Eco” products, for example, PVC-free and phthalate-free products that help us to achieve that goal.

The current development of a product for digital printing based on 100% recyclable polyolefin is a major step towards introducing more environmentally friendly products on the market.

We reduce the environmental impact of our activities

Our R&D team is continuously running with other companies and science institutions to increase our knowledge regarding the better use of resources.

Endutex hopes that these developments will bring other ways of decreasing the environmental impact of our work process and creating a better future for us all.

We decrease energy consumption

Endutex established energy consumption rationing plans in order to achieve a more efficient use, therefore contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Endutex recently installed, on the industrial unit roofs, a 250 kW photovoltaic energy palnt which produces about 400 MWh per year.

This way, Endutex produces clean electric energy, directly from the sun, avoiding natural resources depletion, decreasing CO2 emissions.

We are socially responsible

Endutex Group companies are committed, in their scope of influence, to take the required measures to ensure our activities are conducted within a spirit of compliance with applicable legal requirements, fairly exerting its activities to contribute to the sustainable development of our society. We are also committed to treating social and environmental aspects as a priority and respecting ILO (International Labour Organization) Conventions, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations (UN) Conventions about children’s rights, and elimination of any form of discrimination against women.

Endutex does not use any of the so-called “Conflict Materials” which directly or indirectly creates conflicts regarding human rights abuses in conflict areas.

ENDUTEX Quality Policy

The growth and sustainability of Endutex’s businesses depend on our ability to provide our customers, shareholders, employees, and interested parties with recognized value, unequivocally and continuously. This requires an orientation to the real needs and expectations of the market, a planned and careful monitoring of the entities that can influence the dynamic factors that mark our competitiveness, and a focus on the production of knowledge about the market, products and services, manufacturing processes, and their organization. We are aware that this has to be efficiently implemented in innovative products and services that allow us to gain new market segments, and hold the loyalty of current customers.

The Management of ENDUTEX – Revestimentos Têxteis, S.A., takes the lead in this challenge, investing in continuous technological evolution, improving flexibility and productivity, and optimizing human potential as a whole. We believe that the ENDUTEX Management System built according to the requirements of ISO 9001 standards, can leverage the purpose of sustaining our development with a culture focused on permanent innovation, continuous improvement, pollution prevention, and risk management. This principle, together with strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, including those relating to hygiene, safety, and environment, are vital elements of our organization, for which the participation and commitment of everyone involved are paramount. The Administration of ENDUTEX provides the necessary resources for the implementation and revision of this policy, as well as for its diffusion within the organization so that it is understood and practiced by all of our employees actively.

Code of Conduct

Endutex has established a Code of Conduct and a Supplier Code of Ethics and Conduct where there are a set of rules defined according to business best practices and current legislation.

This code is valid for all employees, internally in the activities carried out at Endutex and externally in the interaction with other interested parties.

ESG Report

Our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Sustainability Report demonstrates our commitment to sustainability, detailing our efforts in environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance.

It reflects our dedication to innovation, quality, and performance, emphasizing our strategies and achievements in reducing environmental impact, ensuring fair labor practices, and maintaining high ethical standards.